Dublin’s Property Prices: A Spatial Perspective 🏠

By Cian Prendergast


Much like its European counterparts, Dublin is experiencing a surge in house prices. My initial vision, sparked by Shane Lynn’s captivating geocoded visualization of Irish property prices, was ambitious. While that precise visualization hasn’t yet materialized, I’ve embarked on an exploration to generate longitude and latitude data from Irish addresses. Notably, these addresses don’t include our newly minted Eircodes (akin to zip codes). A word of caution for the enthusiastic data enthusiast: tread carefully with APIs. A slip in my Google API usage nearly landed me with a €300 bill—thankfully, Google showed mercy!

Data Acquisition

Original dataset collected via Residential Property Price Register

While this project used a subset dataset of 51,834 entries, covering Property Price Register from 2018, see here 📊 to download all of Dublin prices from 2010 - 2022 from HuggingFace Hub. The Residential Property Price Register authority acknowledges that there may be errors in the data in the Register. The Register is compiled from data which is filed, for stamp duty purposes, with the Revenue Commissioners. The data is primarily filed electronically by persons doing the conveyancing of the property on behalf of the purchaser and errors may occur when the data is being filed.

Libraries that will be using:

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import scipy.stats as stats
import sklearn.linear_model as linear_model
import seaborn as sns
import xgboost as xgb
import folium

import warnings

Initial Observations

Upon loading our dataset, we made a few noteworthy observations: - The dataset contains a total of 98,952 entries. - Out of these, 68,224 entries lack a postal code. - This means only 30,728 entries (or roughly 31%) include postal codes.

This data point is significant as postal codes can provide a granular view of property prices, allowing for more localized analyses.

Data Exploration

Our dataset, stored in the file DHP.csv, is obtained from a shared Google Drive link. The data is then loaded into a Pandas DataFrame, a powerful tool for data analysis in Python.

df = pd.read_csv('https://docs.google.com/uc?export=download&id=18ihnF-19iEhv9-vEfSz9-EmCfPqAnPQl', encoding= 'unicode_escape')

Let’s take a quick glance at the first few rows of our dataset:

Date of Sale Address Postal Code County Price Not Full Market Price VAT Exclusive Description of Property Property Size Description
0 02/09/2016 114 Diswellstown Manor, Castleknock, Dublin 15 Dublin 15 Dublin 541850.22 No Yes New Dwelling house /Apartment greater than 125 sq metres
1 02/09/2016 9 Dooroge Woods, Ballyboughal, Swords NaN Dublin 189427.31 No Yes New Dwelling house /Apartment greater than 125 sq metres
2 26/08/2016 11 THE DRIVE, MILLERS GLEN, SWORDS NaN Dublin 242246.00 No Yes New Dwelling house /Apartment greater than 125 sq metres
3 26/08/2016 57 Wellington Road, Templeogue Dublin 6w Dublin 565000.00 No Yes New Dwelling house /Apartment greater than 125 sq metres
4 25/08/2016 1 Hollywoodrath Avenue, Hollystown, Dublin 15 NaN Dublin 290748.90 No Yes New Dwelling house /Apartment greater than 125 sq metres

One of the first preprocessing steps we undertook was converting the ‘Date of Sale’ column to a datetime format, enabling time-based analyses. Additionally, we renamed certain columns for ease of access:

df['Date of Sale'] = pd.to_datetime(df['Date of Sale'], dayfirst=True, format='%d/%m/%Y')
df = df.rename(columns={'Price (€)': 'Price'})

Data Cleaning

Before any advanced analysis, it’s paramount to ensure our dataset is clean and consistent. Data cleaning involves handling missing values, correcting anomalies, and structuring the data in a way that’s conducive to analysis.

One of the first cleaning steps is to filter out entries that were not sold at the full market price and focus on properties that are either second-hand or new dwelling houses/apartments:

df = df[df['Not Full Market Price'] == 'No']
df = df.drop('Not Full Market Price', axis=1)
df = df[(df['Description of Property'] == 'Second-Hand Dwelling house /Apartment') | 
        (df['Description of Property'] == 'New Dwelling house /Apartment')]

Longitude and Latitude Generation

Before generating or refining spatial data, we prepared the dataset by creating empty columns for longitude (long) and latitude (lat). These columns will store the spatial coordinates for each property:

df['long'] = ""
df['lat'] = ""

Before leveraging any geocoding service, it’s essential to ensure that the columns intended to store the spatial data are of the appropriate data type. Here, we ensured that the latitude (lat) and longitude (long) columns could store floating-point numbers, allowing for the precision necessary in spatial coordinates:

df["lat"] = pd.to_numeric(df["lat"], downcast="float")
df["long"] = pd.to_numeric(df["long"], downcast="float")

Enhancing Address Accuracy

Accuracy is paramount when geocoding addresses. A slight variation or omission in an address can lead to a significantly different set of spatial coordinates. For instance, only 30,728 entries (or roughly 31%) include postal codes. To enhance the accuracy of our geocoding, we appended “, Dublin” to each address in our dataset. This ensures that the geocoding service understands the context and provides coordinates specific to Dublin:

df['Address'] = df['Address'].apply(lambda x: "{}{}".format(x, ' , Dublin'))

Geocoding with the Google API

With our dataset ready, we proceeded with geocoding each address using the Google Maps API.

First, we set up the Google Maps client:

import googlemaps
gmaps = googlemaps.Client(key='xxxxxx')  # Note: actual API key is masked for security reasons.

Then, for each address in our dataset, we sent a request to the Google Maps Geocoding API:

for x in range(len(df)):
        geocode_result = gmaps.geocode(df['Address'][x])
        df['lat'][x] = geocode_result[0]['geometry']['location']['lat']
        df['long'][x] = geocode_result[0]['geometry']['location']['lng']
    except IndexError:
        print("Address was wrong...")
    except Exception as e:
        print("Unexpected error occurred.", e)

After the geocoding process, we saved the updated dataset with spatial coordinates:

df.to_csv('output.csv', encoding='unicode_escape')
Date of Sale Address Postal Code County Price VAT Exclusive Description of Property Property Size Description long lat
55590 21/01/2010 7 Hawthorn Terrace, Eastwall, Dublin , Dublin NaN Dublin 210,000.0 No Second-Hand Dwelling house /Apartment NaN -6.2375688552856445 53.35382843017578
55591 21/01/2010 76 Royston, Kimmage Road West, Dublin 12 , Dublin NaN Dublin 297,500.0 No Second-Hand Dwelling house /Apartment NaN -6.312779426574707 53.315460205078125
55592 21/01/2010 9 Woodstown Gardens, Ballycullen Road, Knockly… NaN Dublin 409,000.0 No Second-Hand Dwelling house /Apartment NaN -6.325483798980713 53.275978088378906
55593 21/01/2010 94, Loreto Avenue, Rathfarnham , Dublin Dublin 14 Dublin 271,000.0 No Second-Hand Dwelling house /Apartment NaN -6.274948596954346 53.28966522216797
55594 21/01/2010 Apt. 49 Hunters Walk, Hunterswood, Ballycullen… NaN Dublin 225,000.0 No Second-Hand Dwelling house /Apartment NaN -6.3307037353515625 53.27122497558594

Visualizing the Spatial Distribution

To visualize the spatial distribution of the properties in our newly generated dataset, we can plot their latitude and longitude values:

sns.jointplot(x=df.lat.values, y=df.long.values, size=10)
plt.ylabel('Longitude', fontsize=12)
plt.xlabel('Latitude', fontsize=12)

This visualization offers a bird’s-eye view of the property distribution across Dublin. It can also help in identifying any outliers or anomalies in our geocoded data.


We can remove outliers based on the percentiles, repeat by generating the visulisation (we want our datapoints to be within the boundary/shape of Dublin.

df[['long', 'lat']].describe(percentiles=[.01,.05,.1,.25,.5,.9,.95,.99]) # maybe dipslay by two decomal point
long lat
count 55526.00 55526.00
mean -6.29 53.33
std 1.89 0.67
min -121.95 -35.91
1% -6.47 53.24
5% -6.44 53.26
10% -6.41 53.28
25% -6.32 53.30
50% -6.26 53.34
90% -6.15 53.44
95% -6.13 53.49
99% -6.10 53.61
max 146.91 56.44

Basic Folium Map

We import folium and use our dataset mean to help follium find Dublin.

map1 = folium.Map(
    # lat, long
    # use default OpenStreetMap title
df.apply(lambda row:folium.Circle(location=[row["lat"], row["long"]]).add_to(map1), axis=1)

Add some colour scale using LinearColormap class. It gives us the ability to assign a color to the Circle objects added to our map:

center = get_center_latlong(df3)

# create a LinearColorMap and assign colors, vmin, and vmax
# the colormap will show green for $100,000 homes all the way up to red for $1,500,000 homes
colormap = cm.LinearColormap(colors=['green', 'yellow', 'red'], vmin=230000, vmax=460000) # price range 25% and 75% quartile for 2018 - 2020

# create our map again.  This time I am using a different tileset for a new look
m = folium.Map(location=center, zoom_start=10, tiles='Stamen Toner')

# Same as before... go through each home in set, make circle, and add to map.
# This time we add a color using price and the colormap object
for i in range(len(df3)):
        location=[df3.iloc[i]['lat'], df3.iloc[i]['long']],
        color=colormap(df3.iloc[i]['Price']),# colour by price

# the following line adds the scale directly to our map

# Save map 

m # to display


Segmenting the Map into Parishes using GeoJSON

Dublin is divided into numerous parishes. Segmenting our data by these parishes allows us to understand property prices at a more localized level. The segmentation process involves:

  1. Obtaining Parish Boundaries: This involves sourcing a map that clearly defines the boundaries of each parish.
  2. Overlaying Property Data: Once we have the boundaries, we overlay our property data, ensuring each property is correctly located within its respective parish.
  3. Aggregating Data: For each parish, we can now aggregate data, calculating metrics like average price, highest sale, and more.

Dublin parish boundaries in GeoJSON format, originally pulled from the 2011 Census, see source here. GeoJSON is a data format tailored for encoding geographical structures, extending the simplicity of JSON to spatial data. It uses polygons to represent the enclosed parish areas.

dublin_map = folium.Map(location=[53.3302,  -6.3106],zoom_start= 11)
url = ("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ihuston/dublin_parishes/master/data/cleaned_dublin_parishes.geojson")
dublin_parishes_edge = f"{url}"

f = folium.Choropleth(
    geo_data= dublin_parishes_edge,
    data = parish,
    key_on="feature.properties.Parish Name",
    bins = 8,
    fill_color = "BuPu",

    folium.features.GeoJsonTooltip(['Parish Name'],labels=False)


Future Steps: Deepening the Analysis

With our geocoded data ready and refined, we can deepen our analysis. Potential directions include:

  1. Spatial Clustering: Grouping properties based on their spatial proximity can help identify hotspots or areas with similar price trends.
  2. Time-based Analysis: Exploring how property prices have evolved over time, combined with the spatial data, can offer insights into emerging real estate trends in specific areas.
  3. Incorporating External Data: Overlaying our property data with other datasets, like amenities, public transport routes, or school districts, can help identify factors influencing property prices.


Spatial analysis, especially when combined with segmentation like parishes, provides a depth of insight that’s hard to achieve otherwise. It allows stakeholders to make decisions based on localized trends rather than broad strokes. As we’ve showcased in this analysis, the value of such a project isn’t just in the data, but in the nuanced understanding it provides.

local version <iframe src="file:///C:/Users/Cian/Documents/DCU/YEAR1/Data%20Mining%20CA683/price_colormap.html" width="100%" height="600"></iframe>